May I remind you that I was both sick and exhausted in this picture. When you're taking pictures with toddlers, you have to go with the one where they are actually looking and it doesn't matter what you look like.
I was really excited when I realized that both of my babies were in the "14s" this week. Getting a picture of my belly while holding Penelope was a lot harder than I thought it would be.
Sometimes I almost forget I'm pregnant because my belly isn't in the way yet and no kicks. I know as soon as he/she starts moving a lot, it will hit me.
We will have to move to a bigger house. I have been waiting until after the holidays to be put on the waiting list for a 3 bedroom. I don't know how long the list is though. I've been trying to think of nursery ideas. For a boy I want to do teal and gray with elephants. No idea for a girl though. I'll have to do some Pinteresting.
Penelope is getting two more top teeth and possibly another bottom one. I'm hoping that's why she isn't sleeping. Yesterday, she only took a 25 minute nap. She fell asleep at 810pm by sucking on some warm milk. Then she woke up at 9, finished her milk and it took me until 10 to get her back down. She woke up at 1130, then again around 3. And I was so tired that I took her to bed with me. We woke up at 8 when Daddy came into the room to get dressed. She will either go to bed at a decent time and keep waking up, or will be tired and fussy, but not go to sleep until 1030 and wake up less times. Sometimes when I take her to sleep with me, she is good and falls right to sleep all cuddly, but other times she tosses and turns for an hour and I think she wants to go back in her crib but that doesn't work either. There is no winning with her. I just really want her sleeping through the night before I have a newborn in six months who wakes up every 3 hours. Josh works at night, so I will have no help and no sleep.
I got Penelope her own little chair for Christmas and I cannot wait for her to open it tomorrow morning. I know she will love it! I'll have to post more after with our Christmas pictures. My mom, dad and sister will be here on the 26th. I think I might be more excited for them coming that I am for Christmas itself. But both are good.
Well I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a safe New Year! Here are some outtakes of our photoshoot.
When she realized she high up and started to freak out. |
When she realized she taller than mama, and that was funny. |
I love this one, too bad my hair is in the way. |
How far along? 14 weeks and 4 days
Maternity clothes?
When I wake up, my pelvic bone hurts so bad. Sometimes it pops. I don't remember it hurting this early with Peapod. I have to hobble around for a while.
moment this week:
Trip to Bass Pro Shop because with Josh's schedule, the three of us rarely leave the house together anymore.
Miss Anything?
Sleeping on my back and energy.
Food cravings:
I'm not sure. I think I crave something, then I buy it and it goes to waste. Like a giant bag of cereal or Honey Buns.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
I'm sick right now, but I bad cough will make me gag. Haven't thrown up in about 2 or 3 weeks.
Have you started to show yet:
If I'm wearing certain clothes, yes
I guess boy
Labor Signs:
Belly Button in or out?
Wedding rings on or off?
Happy or Moody most of the time:
I lose my patience sometime
Looking forward to
: Gender ultrasound in 3-6 weeks