I don't feel as massive at this point as I didn't with Penelope and Oliver. This kids I work with at right at eye level and I had a girl today say, "That's a biiiig belly." My response is always, and it's going to get bigger! Can't believe he will double in size within 2 months!
How far along- 30 weeks!
How big is baby- if I can remember, around 2.5 pounds. Maybe 3 by now. He is supposed to gain about half a pound a week from here on out. Hope that's all I gain, too. I also saw something that said he is the size of a jumbo bag of chips, but that seems huge to me. Total weigh gain- about 20 pounds
Maternity clothes- yes, definitely. I'm starting to struggle finding long enough shirts. I get home from work and immediately change into leggings.
Sleep- hard to get comfortable. Lately, I've been getting really hot and I'm just now beginning to wake up to go to the bathroom. 3 times now, I have woken up from horrible acid reflux, ran to the bathroom and thrown up. That's new.
Best moment this week- Went on a solo shopping spree to get him some cute clothes and a couple little containers. Also bought a new stroller/car seat combo.
Movement- He's still kicking. One spot of my belly is sore and I think that's his favorite spot to kick.
Cravings- ice cream, I think that's from the heartburn though. Also, I went a little sugar crazy for a few days after passing my glucose test.
Gender- another Mr. Parrish
Symptoms- pelvic pain, varicose veins, Braxton Hicks, shortness of breath. baby brain, lower back pain, sciatic nerve pain, acid reflux. Pelvic rest- I currently have placenta previa, which means the placenta is blocking my cervix and he can't get out safely. Since I've hit my third trimester and it hasn't moved, it most likely won't. I'll have to have a scheduled C-section. Which I'm nervous about. I have another ultrasound in 2 weeks, but I don't have much hope for it to magically move.
Belly button- way too far out
What I miss- being allowed to lift over 10 pounds- being able to pick up my kids. not having a giant belly. just basically all the physical changes that pregnancy brings.
Looking forward to- finishing the nursery and the next ultrasound where I can see him again.
Upcoming appointments/events- I've mentioned the ultrasound a few times now. I will tell you about my glucose screening though. I failed my 1 hour screening. I needed to be at 130 and I was at 170. I was really upset because I tried not to eat any sugar all day and I also didn't want to have gestational diabetes. That just seems impossible for me to manage and it would just be one more thing to worry about. They said I needed to come back next week in the morning for a 3 hour screening. So I had to take work off since I had to check in at 7am. I had to follow a "healthy" diet a few days leading up to the appointment and fast for 12 hours beforehand. When I checked in, my sugar needed to be under 95 and it was 83 or something, so I felt satisfied with that. After drinking the sugary drink and waiting an hour, I needed to be under 180 and I was at 213. At the time I really felt like I was going to pass out from having so much sugar in my system on an empty stomach. The lab tech gave me a pillow and I was laying on a couch in the waiting room, debating if I should let myself sleep. So for the next hour, I Googled information about gestational diabetes, because this was my fate. The next hour was up and I needed to be at 155. I was at 147! I could not believe it and all my praying that hour worked. After the final hour, I had to be at 140. I was confident since I was so close last time. I clocked in at 72! I'm still not sure if I really believe that reading, but it seems like after I hit the peak at 213, my sugar dropped fast. So after eating healthy and not having any sugar, and also eating a lot less, I decided to hit McDonalds drive thru for a sausage, egg and cheese McMuffin. Once I was pulling out, I started to get so hot and sweaty and kind of lightheaded. I had my window half way down on the 15 minute drive home and it was probably 12 degrees outside. I managed to stumble through the door. (My mom was babysitting Penelope and Oliver) She said my blood sugar was probably really low and I chugged some orange juice and felt better. After I ate, I felt so physically worn out and took a nap for a few hours to let my body reset. And then we had 3 snow days in a row so I essentially had a 6 day weekend. 😄