Muslin swaddle blankets
These are great for swaddling and nursing. I had a few of these with Penelope but didn't use them as much as I do now with Oliver. These blankets are thin, stretchy and huge. They typically measure 46"x46". These are great for summer babies. Oliver is a big baby and normal swaddling blankets don't work well, but he looks tiny being wrapped up in this. And with the stretchy material, I can make it tight and snug. Almost forgot to mention how soft they are! To nurse, you can just tie together two opposite corners and have a great cover. Aden + Anais is the most popular brand, but also the most expensive. I have seven muslin blankets, with three different brands. I haven't noticed a difference in any of them. Find them here and here.
We have our Pack n' Play with the bassinette set up at the foot of our bed, but I have only used it once or twice. Oliver sleeps better if he is not flat on his back. He also "wakes" up many times in his sleep. He will cry for a few seconds and go back to sleep, so it's nice to be able to have this right next to the bed so I don't have to get up for all those false alarms. I can also just throw my arm over the side of the bed when I'm half asleep to rock him. Penelope used hers until she was about six months old. Find it here.
Lite-on-Shoulder Baby Sling
This was a gift from my aunt. I never used a sling with Penelope and also didn't leave the house as much since I wasn't working and it was winter. When we go somewhere, I almost always carry him in this. I hate lugging around the infant car seat. Oliver loves sleeping in it and it's light weight. My favorite part about the sling, is that it is really wide and I can nurse him without being totally obvious about it. The first time I nursed in public, I was walking around a hot air balloon festival. It also made it possible for him to attend his first Cleveland Indians game! (And walk all the way to the top of the stadium.) I haven't figured it out completely, but it can be used for bigger kids too. Find it here. 
Avent Soothie Pacifier
I bought three different kinds of pacifiers for Oliver before he was born and he wants the one from the hospital. I better buy some because he only has one! I like these pacifiers because once he falls asleep, it falls out of his mouth. He doesn't use a pacifier much, but it's still a must have for him! Find it here.
Car mirror
I'm one of those moms who want to know what my kids are doing at all times. Even if they are fine, I'm checking on them in the car every five minutes or so. Is Oliver still sleeping? Did Penelope throw her cup on the floor? So if I can't see them, I'm going to go crazy. Since his car seat is rear-facing, I can't look over my shoulder to see him, so a mirror is a priority for us! There are many different versions. I bought mine for $10, I believe. Find one here.
Fisher-Price Cradle Swing
This swing is awesome! We keep it in the living room and this is where Oliver naps during the day. The seat rotates so it can swing side to side or front to back. It is removable so I can just use it as a bouncer. (Great space saver!) I mostly do this when we go outside. I can watch Penelope run around the back yard while he naps on the deck. I like that it doesn't have a tray. I feel like by the time he would be old enough to need or use the tray, he would have grown out of a swing. It's also more of a hassle to put him in and out with a tray. But like I said, this thing is awesome! I don't know what we would do without it! Find it here!
That is my must-have list for Oliver, now that he is 3 weeks old. I'm sure there are things that I'm forgetting. What are some of your essential items?
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