Thursday, January 1, 2015

A year in review- 2014

I think it's safe to say that this has been our busiest year so far.  A new baby, Josh leaving the Air Force and moving from Missouri to Ohio.  For 2015, I'm really hoping for things to settle down and fall into place.

We found out we were having a baby boy and were so excited!  I kind of figured we were though, just based on how the pregnancy was going.

In February, I was already 20 weeks pregnant and half way done.  Josh told me that he put in for a separation from the Air Force.  (They were asking for volunteers with a bonus and if they didn't get enough, they would kick people out without a bonus) We were also offered a bigger house for our growing family.  Going from a 2 bed, 1 bath to a 3 bed, 2 bath.  And it was just a few houses down.  If Josh's separation went though, we would be gone before Oliver was born, but if it didn't go though, we would need that house. 

My sister came to visit and we started moving to our new house.  I loved that house, wish we could find one like that around here. Then my parents came to visit a few days after my sister left and it was nice to have a few extra hands to get settled in. We also took her to the zoo for the second time.


Josh's sister came to visit during her spring break. We finally got word that Josh's separation was approved and we would be moving back to Ohio shortly, after we finished unpacking our house...  My midwife didn't want me traveling after 34 weeks, so Penelope and I got ready to move and leave Josh to finish things up in Missouri. We celebrated Easter.



We celebrated our 5th anniversary and had a big going away party.  My mom flew out to Missouri and us three girls (and Reaver) drove back to Ohio with our truck loaded to the max.  Josh flew his good friend Christian to Missouri to help him pack the rest of the house and the two of them (and a loopy cat) drove a 28 foot trailer, hauling a Jeep, back to Ohio.  Josh's oldest sister had a baby boy.


The most exciting month of all!  Josh's youngest sister graduated from high school.  AND Oliver was born!

We celebrated Independence day, which was also Josh's first day as a civilian.  The kids also went to their first Cleveland Indians game.  It was a great game and Penelope loved it! She also started swim lessons. Then we ventured to North Carolina for a family vacation at the beach. I turned 25 and Josh turned 26.


We were soaking up the last days of summer.  My sister moved to Columbus and Josh started his first semester of school.


Uneventful, except for the County Fair.  Josh's middle sister moved to Montana, so we celebrated her son, Rylan's, birthday early.

We picked pumpkins and Penelope got to paint hers. She also loved playing in the leaves.  October 18th was her second birthday!  She has a kitty cat party where family and friends attended. For Halloween, she was a turkey and Oliver was a chicken.  She loved collecting candy.  We started looking at houses, also.


Another low-key month.  Oliver was now 5 months old and finally hitting some milestones.  Family came over for Thanksgiving dinner. We made an offer on a house that was accepted.

Oliver is already half a year old!  We all had a lit of fun getting ready for Christmas by shopping and wrapping presents.  It was so much fun to see Penelope really rip open the presents this year. Oliver had his 6 month check up on the 31st. He is in the 97th percentile for his height! (and 80 something for weight)  He got shots so was fussy the rest of the day, which made for a stressful New Year's Eve. We have been contently battling with the seller and lenders to get this house, and it's still pretty much up in the air.

In 2015, I'm hoping we finally get our own house! My mom will retire at some point in 2015 and then I will get a job because she's almost the only person I would trust to watch both kids for eight hours a day.  Lots of unknown coming, but we are taking it one day at a time.

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